Saturday, 25 August 2012

Bye bye Instagram

It's late. I'm tired. But I did something momentous today.
Well, momentous for me.

I deleted my Instagram account.

Here's a tough question: do you spend more time on social networks, than you do with your children?
Eek! Sorry.


It all started with a car service you see. The mechanic unplugged my battery and for some reason, this unplugged my car stereo (??) and to get your car stereo back again a pin number must be entered.

Well of course I forgot my pin number - tried a few, and was then 'locked out' of my car stereo.

That was a long boring story to tell you... I have been enjoying the solitude.

Solitude - what a great word.

Driving with my thoughts and prayers.

And kind of restful.

And then when the kids are with me, listening to them. Instead of the song. And the complaints on talkback radio.

So in the midst of all this solitude, I noticed that whenever I had to wait for my kids (often) I would check my Facebook, check my Instagram, check my emails.

And at the same time, I noticed that whenever something fabulous happened - like spotting a ladybug, or another of life's simple but beautiful moments, instead of ENJOYING it, I was reaching for my phone to take a photo.

To share with others...
Instead of enjoying it myself!

Now when I am waiting for my kids, I can enjoy the surroundings.
It's not boring!
It's taking a moment.
Taking a breath.
Taking a break.


All the good stuff.

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