Sunday, 29 July 2012

On faith


If I asked you the very awkward question "Which religion's followers are the least intelligent?" I reckon you would um and ah and refuse to answer.

And rightly so.

But SECRETLY I reckon you'd be thinking: Christians.

Evidence here.

And I get it, I really do.

I realise it all sounds a bit wacky.

I realise that sometimes our music is embarrassingly bad.

And our leaders sometimes talk about money a bit too much.

I do. I really, really get it.

And when I was younger, I rebelled and tried desperately to shake my faith. But I COULDN'T.

Here's why:

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Why I love bogans

I have seen people disagree with their pastors about many things... the length of the sermon, the layout of chairs in the church, the songs played and even what temperature the heater should be set.

Who'd be a pastor huh?

I have no such issues (love you Pastor!)

But I do disagree with my pastor on one particular issue:


I freaking love 'em.


I know what you're thinking...
Why a blog ten years after everyone else?
And why does your blog look so rubbish?

Well, I am technologically hopeless, and am hoping to improve the look of said blog after I throw myself on the mercy of my children and or friends shortly.
And the truth of the matter is I enjoy writing. And since hanging up my journalism high heels a few months back, my writing has mostly consisted of notes to teachers, comments on other people's blogs, notes to teachers and Mumsnetting - soon to become a recognised verb.
And notes to teachers.

The title Writing from the sideline, is really the best I could come up with and it took me a long time to think up.
Yes, really.
It comes after an inspiring coffee, walk and window shop with my friend Monique who writes over at Each day a gift.

We were talking about how we both are watch from the sidelines kind of people.
And that's where the title came from.
I was briefly tempted to call it Judging from the sideline.
But. Yeah. Decided against it. Not because it's not true you understand, but because I am a Christian and judging is a big no-no.

So here we are.

Stick with me - it can only get better?